This Might Hurt Film
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This Might Hurt

This Might Hurt is a documentary exploring solutions to chronic pain, made by Kent Bassett and Marion Cunningham. It follows the journeys of three patients who enter a new medical program, led by Dr. Howard Schubiner, investigating alternative treatments to the hidden causes of chronic and brain generated pain, and how it can be unlearned.

The Bermuda Pain Relief Center

At the BPRC, we think this film is important as it explores one of our chronic pain treatments, Pain Reprocessing Therapy (PRT). In fact, we think it's so important that we wanted to offer you the opportunity to watch the film online for free:


Get Your Watch Link

If you think you could benefit from Pain Reprocessing Therapy, or learning more about unlearning chronic pain with us, contact Janice Amaral, a mental health counselor with us who is fully trained in PRT, who will send you an access link so that you, your loved one or whoever may need this film can watch in your own time for free. Please be aware, whilst in the documentary this treatment is explored through group sessions, at the BRPC we only offer individual treatment sessions for patients.

Contact us to register your interest and get your link to watch “This Might Hurt” for free.